Tripe and liver roll (tripe recipe from the United Kingdom)

Tripe and liver roll (tripe recipe from the United Kingdom)


1 lb tripe
3/4 lb liver
1 cup breadcrumbs
1 tbsp chopped parsley
Grated lemond rind
A pinch of thyme
Beaten egg
1 pt stock or gravy


Choose the tripe in one large piece. Wash and stew the liver until tender, then mince it finely and mix it with the breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon rind, thyme and seasoning. Moisten with some beaten egg and form into a roll. Place in the centre of the tripe, roll up and stitch with a needle and cotton. Place the roll in a greased baking dish and pour the stock or gravy round. Cover and bake in a moderate oven for one hour. To serve, place the roll on a hot dish, remove the cotton, thicken the gravy if preferred, season it to taste and pour it round.

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